For months now, Andrew and I have been talking about buying Ben and Dan each a twin bed and getting rid of their toddler beds, which were almost too small for them. I was looking for headboards at all the local antique shops but with no luck. Then, just as I stopped looking, we got a phone call from the sweetest little lady (an aunt to Andrew's Uncle Don & a customer of the pharmacy where Andrew works) who is moving and looking to pass along some of her furniture to those who need it. She offered us two twin beds and a piano!!!
We picked up the beds yesterday and they are in such good shape. We bought some new bedding (minus the bed skirts...oops! Look how badly they are needed!), rearranged and voila! We couldn't believe they fit so perfectly! And how is it possible that there is more floor space now in their tiny room than before?!?!?
One of the things we love about this old fixer-upper we bought was it's character, little touches that you only find in older homes. Like most capes, our second floor has many slanted ceilings and some sweet little nooks. Ben and Dan's room has 2 nooks, each now occupied by their new beds. What cute & cozy spots to sleep!
They slept well in their new beds, snuggled up safe and sound while a thunderstorm rumbled outside.
I feel so fortunate knowing that what we need will always be provided to us. Someone was really looking out for us and through cute little Aunt Genie, this awesome gift was given to us. And the piano? That's another awesome it's getting delivered today!
Some pics of that to come as well as pics of the boys' headboards which I still need to paint and assemble...
They look awesome! I can't believe how well they fit!